Saturday, February 22, 2020


Telephone Box Book Exchange 
Old Village Phone Box

Like many people, reading has helped me to remain almost sane during lock down. But getting through books like there is no tomorrow meant that yesterday - I ran out of reading material!

So, for my exercise today, I made my way through Marsh to our Telephone Box Book Exchange with a few murder mysteries to leave there for someone else to enjoy.

The shelves were fairly well stocked with a variety of books - through unfortunately none of the blood curdlers that I was hoping for. However, I did find a Yorkshire dales based detective story and a fictional love and loss novel - so some light reading for me this evening.

I enjoyed the walk home in the open space and sunshine. Going for the books reminded me once again why I am so happy to live in Haworth.

I thought you might like to see photos of the Book Exchange. Your comments are welcome.

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