Saturday, February 22, 2020


So, like many other areas, we saw considerable flooding during February. One of the worst affected parts of the village was Mill Hey. As you can see, from the photograph - there were some serious problems to be dealt with but it brought about a lovely community spirit. People helped each other in many ways and I heard of one local man arriving with loads of sandbags for the residents and business owners to try protect their properties.

The railway was well and truly underwater and I know that a lot of damage occurred as a result. However, the volunteers who run and maintain the KWVR were soon on it and worked hard to get everything drained, cleaned, repaired and up and running again in just a few days. Visitors were enjoying this visiting 1945 American built engine a couple of weeks later.

Did I mention that I resembled someone who had just finished a shift at the pit after taking a bunch of these photos! Standing on the over-line bridge as the engines steam by is never a good idea if you want to remain clean. Will I ever learn !

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